The past few days i have ran into a few issues with our server and its starting to become a bit of a problem, as it happened once again today as pisspawz knows. People dont honor our three rules, no spawn killing, stealing vehicles from spawn, and jet ramming. Which seems to be too much, seeing as whenever i warn an individual from the other team or my team they bitch at me like its their own server. This needs to be delt with because when we are forced to remove people from the game for being a jerk, it makes people not want to come back, and i am not talking about the ones who were kicked.
So we need to reduce our rules and shorten our description. People see it but dont read all of it, Or just dont care, which i know happens its xbox. If we make maybe one rule people may not be so up tight. Jet ramming really has never been a problem, so i say remove that from the descripton. Stealing vehicles happens but its easily dealt with, DESTROY THEM!!! lol. So lets say keep the spawn killing rule, lose the other two and then be on our way. Still keep our policy about kicking people though. One warning, then kick. Banning should only happen if someone would like to take a nice swing at our clan. Which did happen today unfortantely. And Piss handled it accordingly, as did I.
Try not to move people either, it makes them butthurt. We dont want them having to go wash their buttcheecks until the match is over.
Another thing. If someone is being a prick and just shit talking, busting your balls, verbally raping your face, ignore them. Mute them, let Either me, or Pisspawz know and we will deal with them. I dont want anyone losing their composure for a guy whose vocabulary consists of F-bombs and What he did to your dog, mom, sister ect. This server is the gateway to our clan and if we show our front door step as a beat-up slum. No ones gonna want in. Keep it Clean, Offer them cookies, and a nice invite to the clan, people will come.
I understand that stuff like this will happen. I just would like to try and reduce it happening.