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Thread: BF 3 Server issues PLEASE READ!!!

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  1. #1
    DEF4LT515's Avatar
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    BF 3 Server issues PLEASE READ!!!

    The past few days i have ran into a few issues with our server and its starting to become a bit of a problem, as it happened once again today as pisspawz knows. People dont honor our three rules, no spawn killing, stealing vehicles from spawn, and jet ramming. Which seems to be too much, seeing as whenever i warn an individual from the other team or my team they bitch at me like its their own server. This needs to be delt with because when we are forced to remove people from the game for being a jerk, it makes people not want to come back, and i am not talking about the ones who were kicked.

    So we need to reduce our rules and shorten our description. People see it but dont read all of it, Or just dont care, which i know happens its xbox. If we make maybe one rule people may not be so up tight. Jet ramming really has never been a problem, so i say remove that from the descripton. Stealing vehicles happens but its easily dealt with, DESTROY THEM!!! lol. So lets say keep the spawn killing rule, lose the other two and then be on our way. Still keep our policy about kicking people though. One warning, then kick. Banning should only happen if someone would like to take a nice swing at our clan. Which did happen today unfortantely. And Piss handled it accordingly, as did I.

    Try not to move people either, it makes them butthurt. We dont want them having to go wash their buttcheecks until the match is over.

    Another thing. If someone is being a prick and just shit talking, busting your balls, verbally raping your face, ignore them. Mute them, let Either me, or Pisspawz know and we will deal with them. I dont want anyone losing their composure for a guy whose vocabulary consists of F-bombs and What he did to your dog, mom, sister ect. This server is the gateway to our clan and if we show our front door step as a beat-up slum. No ones gonna want in. Keep it Clean, Offer them cookies, and a nice invite to the clan, people will come.

    I understand that stuff like this will happen. I just would like to try and reduce it happening.
    Last edited by DEF4LT515; September 1st, 2013 at 09:37 PM.

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  2. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to DEF4LT515 For This Fucking Post:

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  3. #2
    CAG twofkbrotal's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Well describe and I sure we going have to deal with that issue every day when we hop on our server.

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  5. #3
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    Right I just want to try and reduce it

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  7. #4
    CAG twofkbrotal's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Ya true that and that way it less to worry about and I hope people willing to read the rules before they start playing.

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  9. #5
    CAG RAZ's Avatar
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    Yeh I agree that would be best to have just one rule.

    Sent from my GT-N7000

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  10. #6
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    That's a good idea darky ill set that up today and those guys last nite were just plain ignorant

    Sent from skull island

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  11. #7
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    yeah I agree its a good idea

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  12. #8
    DEF4LT515's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG pisspawz View Post
    That's a good idea darky ill set that up today and those guys last nite were just plain ignorant

    Sent from skull island
    Those DLCO punks are just a gang of 9 members on battlelog. Sounds like they're trying to become a clan but aren't making a very good track record for themselves. If we ever see them again ill make sure we'll show them no mercy as far as in game battle that is.

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  13. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to DEF4LT515 For This Fucking Post:

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  14. #9
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    yes yes we will show them how to kill people lol and the server rules have been changed so we should be good to go

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  15. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to pisspawz For This Fucking Post:

    CAG RAZ (September 2nd, 2013)

  16. #10
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    I never sugar coat shit and I am not going to do it here.

    This shit about complaining about spawn camping and killing and stealing vehicles is baby shit to me, pussy shit really. If you guys can't work together as a team well enough to get those fuckers out of your spawn then there is something wrong. This is why I don't play bf3 because someone has to always bitch about spawn campers and spawn killing.

    It's in the game deal with it, you are only going to drive people away with these rules. If I am getting spawn killed I think of another approach to try and get out of the spawn and get them from behind.

    On COD games "I" have figured out how to stop the spawn camping and killing and unless you guys come together this is going to continue.

    This makes me not want to jump on bf3 because I don't want to hear people bitching about the other team spawn killing us, or stealing our shit. There are no excuses for not working together and getting your asses kicked, its going to happen and it is up to you guys as a team to figure out, stay composed and adapt on the fly instead of crying and bitching about.

    It's not my server so I won't say you have to do anything on it rules wise, but there should only be one rule and not really a rule but a warning, "shit talking will get you banned". That is all you need.

    Nothing worse that a team or clan that cries about shit in a game, this has always been the problem with bf3 and recruiting for bf3. No one wants to join a clan that is going to bitch about something that is in the game, if you guys don't take your vehicles and allow them to get stolen, that is not their fault that is yours.

    Same thing with spawn camping and killing, if you are not smart enough to get your squad leader to a position or area on the map where you can get away from the spawn killing that is not their fault, its yours!

    I have said it before and I will say it again, the fucking squad system on bf3 is the worst of any fucking game I have played so far. They give you the ability to spawn on your squad leader, yet I always see people not spawning in a safe zone away from the other team and their spawn camping and worst of all?, the squad leaders don't give their squad mates the chance to spawn and regroup in one area.

    Sorry DArky, but complaining about spawn killing and getting your vehicles stolen is just excuses to me. If you get offended by this, that's on you, but you should take this as constructive criticism and think about what I just posted.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  17. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    CAG RAZ (September 2nd, 2013),DEF4LT515 (September 2nd, 2013),pisspawz (September 2nd, 2013)

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