My gamertag is XxBabyMiroxX, I got mentioned to this clan from EfrtlsPerfctn and ive been playing with CAG GypsyOutlaw under his platoon: Kilo4 . I have had my two weeks probation And have not gotten any further instructions so please contact.
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CAG SILENT (September 16th, 2013),PATRON (September 1st, 2013)
You need to fill out an application from the main menu. Do that first then we can go from there.
CAG SILENT (September 16th, 2013),Mad Shot (September 1st, 2013)
Also get with Gypsy, he is the new Platoon Commander for 5th, he will get you squared away
CAG JB (September 16th, 2013),CAG SILENT (September 16th, 2013)
What's up BabyMiro . Im not sure if your 2 weeks is up yet because it seems u just joined 7 days ago .
But any how send me a friend request and ill try to get you started on your marksman and give u the run down on amy questions you want to know . My Gt is CAG PATRON
CAG JB (September 16th, 2013),CAG SILENT (September 16th, 2013),Mad Shot (September 1st, 2013)
Last edited by CAG CheechDogg; September 2nd, 2013 at 07:15 AM.
CAG SILENT (September 16th, 2013),PATRON (September 1st, 2013)
CAG SILENT (September 16th, 2013),Mad Shot (September 2nd, 2013)
CAG SILENT (September 16th, 2013),Dark Dreemz (September 4th, 2013),Lethal Blade (September 6th, 2013)
Got Miro in 5h plt now I will get him squared away on his marks man badge
CAG SILENT (September 16th, 2013),PATRON (September 4th, 2013),XxBabyMiroxX (September 5th, 2013)
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