I don't believe you can use a 360 on X1 arctik but I know most of the guys already had ghosts previously
CAG Azrael
The angel of death
You can let others know that you are playing Black Ops 2, MW3 or Black Ops now or intend to jump on it here. Use it to your advantage!
I don't believe you can use a 360 on X1 arctik but I know most of the guys already had ghosts previously
CAG Azrael
The angel of death
SprayAim (September 14th, 2015)
It is what it is, but it is the most current COD series out and until 2-3 weeks out of the BO3 release I will continue to play it for recruitment purposes and MLG startup. When the 2-3 week window hits I will switch to Black Ops 2 to get used to their Class Set-Ups, different game play, just to get in the BO mindset you know? I liked Ghosts as well but had a 360 when it came out and only recently got the XB1 and COD:AW.....i was raising my son alone starting before he hit the age of 1 so I didn't game literally AT ALL for 2 years. But now he's 3 and stays at his druggie mom's house sometimes so I can game A LOT more. Even when he is here and we have done his learning and get tired of playing with his toys I'll play XB1 while he watches Netflix on the 60" downstairs.
SprayAim (September 15th, 2015)
Great games tonight you guys. ....way to get that TP as well !
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jDIAMOND (November 16th, 2015),SoulSeeker1972 (November 16th, 2015)
CAG CheechDogg (November 16th, 2015)
I'm on now
Ideals are peaceful, History is violent
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