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Thread: Revolution!!!

Game news, updates and community announcements on BF3 and BF4

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  1. #1
    DEF4LT515's Avatar
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    Local Date
    February 6th, 2025
    Local Time
    08:08 PM
    Senior Member


    alright so for anyone who was not able to make the meeting tonight here's what's basically going down.

    1. Marksman is being reformed from getting 450kills in tdm to the new recruits skill with vehicles, marksmenship with assualt rifles, lmgs, snipers ect. and basic communication skills.
    Eagle7 will be drawing up more specifics with this.

    2. 1st platoon and 2nd platoon are now just one entity. not enough people too be split two ways. rly nothing new there but still needed to be said.

    3. We will be following More of Cod style roster with squads, fire teams, xo, co, and platoon commander.

    4.Issues will be brought up through chain of command. so for example a pfc has an issue it is too be brought up to the squad leader then fire team leader , xo, co, and so on.

    5.CAG twofkbrotal is our new bf leader, and will be reforming the roster.

    6.Still only have one server, and please if you are playing in it do not be in a private party. team speak only.

    If I have missed anything feel free to correct me or add anything.

    But I feel this is off to a great start. I am confident CAGtwofkbrotal, Eagle 7, and the rest of us can bring BF back if not get us ready for BF4.

    CAG Dogg Level: 47 [?]
    Experience: 6,454,054
    Next Level: 7,172,237

  2. The Following 9 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to DEF4LT515 For This Fucking Post:

    Buhzerk v (August 19th, 2013),Bx3Boyz (August 20th, 2013),CAG JB (August 20th, 2013),CAG RAZ (August 20th, 2013),Lesbehonest (August 20th, 2013),PATRON (August 19th, 2013),pisspawz (August 19th, 2013),PrimeTymeJodi (August 19th, 2013)

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