Have you noticed only one other CAG member commented on this thread besides the bf3 guys and yes morale is very low right now and we are pose to be a family???
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Have you noticed only one other CAG member commented on this thread besides the bf3 guys and yes morale is very low right now and we are pose to be a family???
DEF4LT515 (August 18th, 2013)
I'm just sticking it out right now. see what happens with bf4 and if nothing gets better ill move on.
pisspawz (August 18th, 2013)
Morale is low, I mean shit im playing cod lol.
But if we put the effort in guys things will workout.
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bluedevil80 (August 18th, 2013),pisspawz (August 18th, 2013)
CAG RAZ (August 18th, 2013)
I've been putting in a lot of effort with no results and we just had another 4 people from bf3 side leave the clan today because to them it seems like CAG is done nothen with the bf3 side of things an I'm starting to feel the same way..
i joined thus clan because
Who has left today ?
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And its got very hard recruiting lately dont know whats up with em all
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We lost manny sharrette corded there is one more buy I forgot who
Last edited by Buhzerk v; August 18th, 2013 at 06:59 PM.
I have no clue why they said nothen I jumped on xbl while ago and they invited me to a party and that's what they said
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