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i put a big ben fathead in my bathroom and no one will use it
PITTSBURGH STEELERS ALL DAY!!!!!!! From Under the Covers with Ur Mom
New England Patriots all day!!!! Huge TarHeels fan my best friend played for them (Tyler Hansbrough) and of course Arkansas Razorbacks oh yeah can't forget the STL CARDINALS
XxNINJAxX (August 9th, 2013)
I was at the ACC tourney game when tyler broke redicks scoring record.... that day was crazy From Under the Covers with Ur Mom
I am a big Heels fans as well bro From Under the Covers with Ur Mom
Ya he was a beast in college , I was at the final 4 game when they beat OU
I forgot...Jersey Devils, Red Sox, and I don't like basketball lol
PATRON (August 9th, 2013)
We even got our own song dissing everyone lmao
Buhzerk v (August 11th, 2013)
More into College football. Roll Tide all the way
Titans. It's where I live
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