Hey whats going on guys?
Alright uh, how do i put this into words, I am a crossroads in my life, or maybe it'd be better to say, life and I are in a boxing match. And I'm losing. I won't go into detail, but I came out to California to be with family and one by one, I see smiling faces turn into backs turned on me, even my own siblings. So I am, as of now an emotional and drunken mess, And all I wish to do is be back in the comfort of my own home and with you all, the only family I feel like I have left.., I do hope that your backs aren't turned on me as well. Agh, I probably shouldn't say that, but its how I feel.
Now.., I'm not one to bitch and moan about whats going on, Ive been raised to roll with the punches, chin up and whatever you do, to keep face. Its what a man does, he becomes the shoulders and back that everyone else can lean on. But as of late, I feel like my knees have been chopped from under me, and Im being kicked repeatedly by life and even my own family. I am really at a loss, but I will do what I've always done, suck it up, and keep on rolling.
That's just whats going on with me, I miss you all, and I will also not be back till the 15 of august, also another source of my emotional stress. I want to be gone.., just gone.