Battlefield 4 vs Call of Duty Ghosts. What game do you prefer?
Here is a short article on Battlefield might actually get the better selling game this year. Im not sure about any of you guys but I am really looking forward to Call of Duty Ghosts and really excited to see what the next Call of Duty has in store for us!
CAG Dogg Level: 20 [?]
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It's really hard to compare COD titles to Battlefield titles. They are two completely different games, imo. COD is close quarters, extremely fast paced, in your face action, small maps (comparably). Battlefield is more of a slower pace, more tactical, take your time kinda game with ridiculously huge maps (comparably).
Can you imagine playing COD on a Battlefield sized map or vice versa? It wouldn't work, it wouldn't be fun, the game wouldn't get the playtime like it does in its usual form.
Personally, I'll get both. I'll play both for the two complete different styles that I have to play FPS's. To me they can't be compared side by side. I think that Battlefield will always win in the graphics department because they have more experience in PC titles than IW. They know the shortcuts. Battlefield is a PC title ported to console. With the next gen hardware, it's going to be complicated to not make a good looking game unless the studio is just that bad.
My two cents
CAG Dogg Level: 37 [?]
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It's really hard to compare COD titles to Battlefield titles. They are two completely different games, imo. COD is close quarters, extremely fast paced, in your face action, small maps (comparably). Battlefield is more of a slower pace, more tactical, take your time kinda game with ridiculously huge maps (comparably).
Can you imagine playing COD on a Battlefield sized map or vice versa? It wouldn't work, it wouldn't be fun, the game wouldn't get the playtime like it does in its usual form.
Personally, I'll get both. I'll play both for the two complete different styles that I have to play FPS's. To me they can't be compared side by side. I think that Battlefield will always win in the graphics department because they have more experience in PC titles than IW. They know the shortcuts. Battlefield is a PC title ported to console. With the next gen hardware, it's going to be complicated to not make a good looking game unless the studio is just that bad.
My two cents
Battlefield gives you everything...if you want the small maps and fast paced action they have that and if you want the large maps you can still get fast action in vehicles and in person.
I'm getting both games too.
CAG Dogg Level: 45 [?]
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well i havnt played bf3 but i can say that the cod is pretty much the same they make changes but from what i have seen of bf3 its more tactical. dont get me wrong if you play as a team you can make cod a tactical game but its still faster paced and when you actually perform as a team on cod the other team players get pissy because you running around like a nut.
CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
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I'm getting both as well but this time around I'll be alternating days because I freakin had fun being Blame's gunnar. What does that mean for Alpha Company, nothing really like I said I'll be still committed to COD Side but often times, I'll jump over. I'll have a week to play Battlefield 4 before Ghost hits the stores anyway and besides once Grand Theft Auto comes out I'll be on that so this month could be the last of Black Ops 2 lol just kidding but yea.
CAG Dogg Level: 58 [?]
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