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Thread: CheechDogg's Sliders

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
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    CheechDogg's Sliders

    Hello everyone and thanks for viewing this thread. This year I will post my 1st ever sliders on for those who are interested in a defensive Madden experience. I started messing with sliders in Madden 2001, but before Madden I messed with NFL GameDay's sliders as well.

    Madden 11 surprisingly has sliders that work once again. The last time I felt this good about sliders was NFL GameDay 99's sliders.

    So this year like every other year, I will try to make Madden play as close to real football as possible, but who doesn't right? If I am playing against a team like Dallas I don't want to be able to run the ball against them that easy. I want to struggle for my 100 yards if its at all possible.

    This slider set finally has given me and the cpu a leveled playing field. It makes "me" fight for yards on the ground against teams with good run defenses and yards through the air against good pass defenses as well. I played 15 games vs the Dallas Cowboys and it was pretty hard to run for 100+ yards. After my 3rd game vs the Cowboys, I learned and realized that I can not call the same play on defense or offense over and over again like in years past. This year, Madden 11 will make you pay for that. One mistake and it is 6 pts for the cpu buddy!

    Clock management is the key this year in Madden 11. You must learn now to keep the ball away from the Brees, Bradies and Mannings. You have to strike 1st and take that lead to make the CPU score too. The running game is just as dangerous if not more this year in Madden 11 and you must do what ever possible to keep the ball from your opponent.

    You must also learn what teamwork is this year. You have to spread the ball around to as many players as possible to keep the defenses honest. You can set up the run with the pass and Vice-Versa. When playing defense, it doesn't hurt you to try and dictate to whom the opposing qb is going to throw to. If you are playing someone like Peyton Manning, give him nothing deep and instead make him nickle and dime you. Set him up for a turnover by controlling your CBs to trick him into passing your way and pick him off, or leave the middle of the field open to try and make the receiver turn over the ball by creating a fumble.

    Turnovers will be a huge factor this year in Madden unlike years past. If you can't cause turnovers and keep the ball away from your opponent, you are in big trouble.

    So with that said lets look at how I have been able to do just that with sliders, fatigue and Auto-sub settings.

    Game Options

    15 min quarters

    Accelerated clock: 25 seconds

    Playcall style: Conventional
    Play Clock: on
    Coord Audio: off
    Coord Subtittles: off
    Camera Settings: Broadcast ( your choice here )
    Auto Strafe: on
    Auto Sprint: on
    Injuries: 25 ( still plenty of injuries during games )
    Fatigue: 45 ( Kenneth Darby had 4 carries for 17 yards spelling Jackson )
    Game Speed: Very Fast ( your choice here )
    Threshold: 5
    Coach Mode: on ( doesn't mean you can't control your QB )
    Fight fumble: off



    Qb out: 0
    IN: 25

    Rb out: 75
    In: 85 ( Allows the cpu to spell "starter", usually giving the 2nd string backs 5-10 carries a game )

    Wr out: 75
    In: 85 ( Allows for rookies to get some action during games )

    Fb/Te out: 25
    In: 70 ( since most teams don't have a 2 or 3 deep for fullbacks and tes, the out slider needs to be very low to avoid having a wr in at te or even a cb in for a wr )

    Ol out: 10
    In: 50 ( do you really want your backups in during games unless its necessary ? )


    Dt out: 75
    In: 80 ( keeps the defense fresh while also allowing offenses to take advantage when a starter is out taking a breather )

    De out: 75
    In: 85 ( same logic as dts here )

    Lb out: 65
    In: 75 ( lbs have a strong motor, no reason to really sub your starting LB Corps unless they are really tired, 65 I believe is pretty tired for a LB )

    Cb out: 25
    In: 75 ( you always want your best corner on your opponents best wrs right, so leave this setting alone )

    S out: 65
    In: 75 ( safeties are like lbs, but they do need a breather once in a while right, 65 is probably a bit too low, so we'll have to keep and eye on this slider )


    offsides: 90 (fair amount of calls for home team )

    false start: 85 (on the road hard counts are hard to pull off )

    holding: 50

    facemask: 40 ( fair amount of calls here )

    DPI: 95 (still haven't seen more than 1 call here)

    OPI: 50 (just like DPI, I think this is a broken slider)

    KR/PR int: 50

    Clipping: 75 (when a long run happens, clipping is probably involved, fair amount of calls here too)

    Int grounding: 80 (broken slider)

    Roughing passer: 75 (good amount of calls here)

    Roughing kicker: 65 (one call in 15 games)

    Player Skill

    QB accuracy: 15
    Pass blocking: 5
    Wr Catch: 50

    Broken Tckl: 45
    Run Block: 60
    Fumbles: 75 ( fumbles still happen with this setting )

    Pass Def
    Reaction time: 5 ( dbs and lbs actually play defense and don't act superhuman )
    Int: 5 ( instead of going for the pick and risking a big gain by the wrs, the dbs act like coverage dbs and play sound defense )

    Pass rush: 75 ( this allows for the defense to bring down the qb when they have to, no more robo qb with this setting )

    Rush Def
    Reaction time: 5 ( allows the cpu to find the holes and )
    Block Shedding: 5 ( activates gang tackling by the cpu )
    Tackling: 75( allows your defense to get the qb for sacks )

    CPU Skill

    QB Accuracy: 15
    Pass block: 5
    Wr Catch: 50

    Broken Tckl: 55
    Run block: 75
    Fumbles: 75

    Pass Def
    Reaction: 5
    Ints: 5
    Pass rush: 75

    Rush Def
    Reaction time: 5
    Block shedding: 5
    Tackling: 40

    Please post any and all feedback on these sliders. I will be updating any changes I make but by the looks of these right now, I don't think I am going to be changing much at all.

    The Auto-sub sliders are set up to allow the cpu to spell their starting rbs and allow them to get the ball 5-10 times a game depending on their playing style. Teams with a heavy running game will give the 2nd rb just the right amount of carries per game.

    On defense, the auto-sub sliders allows you to keep your defense fresh but can also work against you if you don't do your job. The opposing offenses can really put the hurting in you if you don't make them go 3 and out or cause a turnover. Choose your plays wisely, not only on offense but defense as well. Keep your rbs fresh by spelling your starter before he gets too tired. Keep and eye on their gestures on the field, tired players will be breathing faster and its quite evident that they are tired.

    Well you guys, I hope you guys like these sliders. Remember, these might not work at all for you. We don't all have similar playing styles, but I tested these sliders by passing and running as much as I could vs good teams and bad ones. Against strong defenses it was not easy passing or running and against good offenses, I had to really call a good defensive game to pull off a victory.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  2. #2
    MYtheDAMAJAH's Avatar
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    Re:Custom Sliders for realistic games

    I'm pretty sure if I played Madden, all that would make sense to me. It sounds like you got your shit down brother. If I did play, I wouldn't want see you. Its too bad I was taught that the nfl is for women. Real football is played in college. juSt kidding bro.

    CAG Dogg Level: 35 [?]
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