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Thread: Who Is Best Female Singer?

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
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    Who Is Best Female Singer?

    So today I woke up you guys and I had one of those "Epiphany" moments so many people talk about. I might of had this feeling because my dad turned 60 years old today and it just brought all these childhood memories of my Dad, my Parents and the good times I had as a kid.

    Nothing is the same anymore and the worries are 24/7 now that I am an adult. I never understood why my Parents stressed out so much as a kid.

    So what does this have to do with who is the best Female Singer?

    To me Madonna is everything my childhood was, I listen to her songs and it just reminds me of my childhood days, even though she is a female singer her music everyone was able to relate to it. There is a lot of innocence and and rebellion in her music if you really listen to it.

    Her music in the 80s was way ahead of her time, of her peers. She revolutionized everything and still is doing it today. But Madonna would of been just an average singer if she didn't have Niki Harris and Donna De Lory. Those two girls sang by her side for 20 years and were a huge reason for her success.

    Every singer has back up singers but I think no other singer had singers like Madonna had backing her up.

    With over 230 awards won and nominated over 430 times there is no doubt that she is the best female singer ever, yes ever! She is still the best top-selling female artist of all time and still going strong. At 54 years old she still looks hot and can still put on a show.

    So who do you think is the best female singer and why?
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    PATRON (July 19th, 2013)

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    Yeah iv got to say homie I do still bump Madonnas old music when it comes on the radio
    I roll up the windows so pepole don't look at me funny and end up getting shot lmao but non the less her music is amazing .

    CAG PATRON 11-22-12

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    i think you are right on that one cheech the hard one of me is that there is really only one that really can be compared to her which would be Whitney Houston. yes different styles of coarse of but Whitneys voice was just incredible. pure raw talent no mixing just amazing. what i do find interesting is that lady ga ga was a no one when she started singer and reinvented herself after madonna i think everyone can agree to that, at that moment is when she became famous. depends on what she does with her career but i think she will as big or bigger than madonna but only time will tell. but you should also mention what your favorite song is. like a prayer is probably one of my favorites.

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    Borderline and Lucky Star man, those two songs made me fall in love with her as a kid ! lol...

    There used to be this video show similar to mtv but much smaller, but all it did was play music videos for a whole hour. Madonna was always rocking that hour with her songs and since we were the only ones with cable at the time in our neighborhood, my girl cousins would always have their friends over.

    Some of these girls were already in jr high and I was 9 years old Bro. I remember ...I actually did just laugh cuz im remember all this shit, but I kissed so many jr high girls and i was only 10 years old bro lol....among other things haha..

    But Borderline and Lucky Star where the songs that all these girls were dancing to, they all dressed like Madonna and I got to go to see the Virgin Tour, Whos that Girl Tour and Blond Ambition with some of these girls.

    After those 2 songs of course her True Blue, Isla Bonita and Immaculate Collection kicked ass as an album. I even liked her Dick Tracy soundtrack.

    Papa Don't Preach another great song of hers just because the Pope even heard this song and wanted Italy to boycott her world tour.

    She is just a bad ass man!
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    PATRON (July 19th, 2013)

  8. #5
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    I like Reba.

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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Brittany Spears and Helen Keller

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  10. #7
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    Why you guys, why ! lol....
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  11. #8
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Um you guys are on crack ... Alicia Keys hands down best female singer out right now !

    CAG RubberDucky
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  12. #9
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    Susan Boyle because she was so judged by people because of her looks but she has such an amazing voice.

    Look at all their reactions.
    Last edited by Buhzerk v; July 19th, 2013 at 05:40 PM.

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  13. #10
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    Wow, you guys didn't even read the question huh?

    cag clan cheechdogg

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