That is why everything is so messed up lately man. If you notice everything is getting made and done to cut cost because there are more and more people that are getting welfare and government assistance. I know two people that do this. Sadly they are my sisters, but they are dumb shits anyways. I frown upon what they do (rather what they don't). Granted there are some that are due their help because of things that have happened to them and things that they had no control over (i.e. people with disabilities). Yet the majority of people that are on welfare can work perfectly fine, but decide to take the easy way out and do nothing with their lives. They say that our employment rates are rising, but if you notice on any job posting board around there are more and more part time jobs....if I remember correctly minimum wage at full time was hard enough to get by when the economy was okay. So they think that getting more part time jobs is better and is something that will help us in the long run?! It just seems that common sense is getting harder and harder to come by in this world. So thank you for all of you that use your common sense on a day to day basis.
Sent from the back booth of a dark seedy bar