Hey guys, how the fuck you doing?
Pfft' yeah! Well I just wanted to post to let everyone know that! I will be out longer than expected. Atleast a week or two longer. I know some of you might be expecting me back by this week, but sadly I will not be back. I also wanted to remind you, that I love you all. Although some of the newer members haven't gotten in game with me, or talked to me. I miss and love you as well, I love you like i'd love my twice removed cousin that everyone secretly thinks is annoying. Ha!
But no really, I do know that when I get back, I will be whipping some of you into shape ! I say that in a none serious way of course, Ive only seen great things come out of the first platoon since my leave of absence and I cant wait to be apart of that! I can honestly say, Ive seen big changes since ive been here and have taken my vacation. And they were, as you can probably tell, great changes! Provided by great leadership.
I can't wait to honestly sit down and talk to some of you and get to know you on a personal level, because I can't really express or show the enthusiasm I feel through A font. I'm also happy about the amount of leaders stepping up to the plate. You all are doing a fantastic' O job. Keep up the great work CAG Dogg's ! As always, this community wouldn't work without our great leaders, even the chance to be apart of something this big, is just amazing. Okay. I'm done kissing ass, leaves the taste of broken dreams in my mouth. Hope to see you on the field, CAG Forever faithful.
P.S; I think some of my posts were deleted. Just thought it was odd! Wondering if there was an easy fix? Or if they were hard deleted. Thanks in advance. and as always,