We lose 22 Vets a day due to Suicide. After Combat Vets return home. Some come back with unseen Injuries. PTSD and pain from Trama. If you know a Vet. Thank them for thier service.
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CAG CheechDogg (July 13th, 2013)
This saddens me. I have a very close friend (known him since I joined and even after I left the military) that has seen action and has survived both the fighting and the trauma, but I know there are those out there that have a hard time with coming back. It is not just something that goes away either. The things that those of you in the military have seen and done is remarkable. I want to thank every military CAG member for having the guts to do something that most of us can't or won't. Your service has kept me and my family safe from before my time and after my time here on this Earth. So thank you for your protection and I hope no one takes you for granted the rest of your days.
P.s. I know I'm no shrink or anything but if any of you need a ear to talk off or someone to help you out let me know. I'm here for you all anyway I can be.
Sent from the back booth of a dark seedy bar
BIG COUNTRY (July 12th, 2013),CAG CheechDogg (July 13th, 2013),CAG Covieleader (July 12th, 2013),LONEWOLF (July 12th, 2013)
i think that's actually down from 24 over the last year which while the situation is still horribly fucked up hopefully it continues to go down until it is zero. 24 or 22 - it's twenty something too many.
i always make an effort to thank vets and i know i have somewhere in the past on these forums but fuck it i'll do it again, you deserve it. thank you covie.
and please, relay the message? tell any vet you come in contact with that there is at least one other person out there thinking about them and hoping nothing but the best for all Veteran's of Foreign Wars.
CAG CheechDogg (July 13th, 2013),CAG Covieleader (July 12th, 2013),LONEWOLF (July 12th, 2013)
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