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Thread: Bf3

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  1. #11
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    Think I might do the same when I get the time to.its definately what's needed tbh.
    CAG JB

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  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by EfrtlsPerfctn View Post
    i still huck it up with the battle field
    I don't have u on my friends list dude do u play bf3 regularly?
    CAG JB

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  3. #13
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    Wilkes Burrr

    sorry i haven't been playing much since probably like wednesday of last week. i apologize guys. i just get kinda bored of games and need to take a "mini break" which in this case is taking a few days away from battlefield 3. i had been playing nothing but BF3 the last 5-7 months and didn't want to get burned out entirely. viking was taking a bit of mini break as well.

    as far as guys getting on the forums, i can't physically make them. i would love to see every member of Easy on the forums at least once every day, just one post, it only takes a few minutes, but i don't want to force them or remove them or anything else. as long as they play and have fun playing then i am satisfied. but the forums IS where we put all of our info. hopefully they are at least reading the info for Easy.

    as far as recruiting goes, i wanted to put together a little message you guys could use to recruit on other non-clan forums. i am just really busy with my life right now, there's a lot of shit going on plus i have to make sure i am not missing anything uber important on here. you guys can send those messages on live to recent players. just make sure they have a mic and tell them to full out an app. beyond that, you guys know what we (Easy) are all about. teamwork, comms and most importantly having fun when we play.

    i might not be on BF3 tonight, but i will MOS DEF be playing it tomorrow, hopefully all day. i may take a break from my morning session to get a few on CoD with all the other guys but i will be putting at least 4-5 hours in on BF3. probably 1 or 2 with the morning and international guys and then a good night session with all of you US/night time players.

    sorry again i have been absent from BF3 the last week or so. i had jumped on a couple times previous to these last 8-10 days but only for a game or two. just trying to prevent a total burn out.

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
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  4. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to BlameItOnGod13 For This Fucking Post:

    Buhzerk v (July 1st, 2013),CAG JB (July 2nd, 2013),pisspawz (July 1st, 2013)

  5. #14
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    There was 1st platoon guys on tonite Ive sent invites to play bf3 but never joined or even a msg and blame I know your really busy but these other guys joined but don't play anymore even a little msg saying something woulda been nice me and eagle been playing in our server just the two of us... I really like CAG but if no one is going to play the game they registered for "bf3" then I might as well not even be in a clan I'm just frustrated and need to vent here like what's the point of joining a clan for a specific game get into the clan and then don't play the game?? I kinda get bored with the game as well but I try and get on everyday even if its for an hour and then I sent game invites with no reply.... There's a few guys the joined 1st platoon "easy" but never play everything but bf3 lol like John had Said there's been like four of us that's been on almost every day and that's it where's all the players???? Either way ill be playing bf3 with or without the other members regardless ima one man army bahaha

    Sent from skull island

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  6. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to pisspawz For This Fucking Post:

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  7. #15
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    I hear ya pawz I got used to playing alone...I just go for the medals and troll with C4 when I'm bored lol.

    I haven't been on in a few days too..I feel bad but I'm working. I should be on more often soon.

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  9. #16
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    Working is great but when these guys that are 1st platoon are on xbl an I send them invites with no response tells me that they could care less this "us" were a family and if they didn't wana play or are bored at least msg me back and say so don't just ignore me

    Sent from skull island

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  10. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to pisspawz For This Fucking Post:

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  11. #17
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    Wilkes Burrr

    it's cool man - it is ok to vent. i understand your frustration but please don't leave. you are a huge part of this clan bro, especially within BF3. your always playing and your always posting on the forums. i appreciate all you guy's getting on the forums in A HUGE way.

    i see who is and isn't playing dude trust me. i am going to give these guys who haven't been playing a couple days. then there WILL be a reminder that we joined a clan to play BF3 with others who have mics. now i don't want to straight up remove people from CAG but if they have to be removed from Easy then so be it.

    yes BF3 is not Easy's only game but it is our PRIMARY game.

    i'm still trying to figure out how exactly to handle this situation but it will be handled soon. just bare with me through these tough times buddy.

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  12. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to BlameItOnGod13 For This Fucking Post:

    pisspawz (July 1st, 2013)

  13. #18
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    Wilkes Burrr

    do me a favor pawz - you have been playing BF3 a lot. if you want to send me a list (in a private message on the website) of who hasn't played BF3 and in how long. i will handle it from there. a rough estimation of the time frame is more than fine. also, let me know who hasn't accepted invites from you and roughly how many times they haven't. i will handle it all from there.

    i have a good idea of who has and hasn't done what and in how long. but i would like to have a second "witness" to "verify" any roster moves i may have to make to justify them.

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
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  14. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to BlameItOnGod13 For This Fucking Post:

    Buhzerk v (July 1st, 2013),pisspawz (July 1st, 2013)

  15. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlameItOnGod13 View Post
    do me a favor pawz - you have been playing BF3 a lot. if you want to send me a list (in a private message on the website) of who hasn't played BF3 and in how long. i will handle it from there. a rough estimation of the time frame is more than fine. also, let me know who hasn't accepted invites from you and roughly how many times they haven't. i will handle it all from there.

    i have a good idea of who has and hasn't done what and in how long. but i would like to have a second "witness" to "verify" any roster moves i may have to make to justify them.
    Yes blame ill send the necessary info

    Sent from skull island

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  16. #20
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    Wilkes Burrr

    thanks a lot buddy.

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