need a one month gold xbox live pass by the 25th untill i get paid will send the 10 bucks or a 1 month back to you need it so i dont miss playoffs thanks
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If you can't use those MS points let me know tomorrow and I will get you one. It will be later before I can get it. Probably around 7 pm central maybe alittle earlier.
If i had anything id of give you it pal but skint at minute
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
sneaky, you ever get it? if not send me ur paypal UN and ill send yah 10$
well since i havnt actually played with anyone here yet but if any one needs an extra controller or what ever i have plenty dont mind helping and not looking for favors just ask that its not abused.
PATRON (June 23rd, 2013)
Sidebangx (June 23rd, 2013)
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