are they the ones who did that bat country song?
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Thing with Sevenfold that i enjoy is there ability to change it up.. Going from heavy death metal style to a more soft rock, this allowing more to enjoy there music instead of critisizing it for not being able to understand the lyrics.. i myself can enjoy all forms of rock/ metal. just not every band also i can agree on the Buried alive n Carry on as very great songs.
CAG Covieleader (June 22nd, 2013)
i feel you dude. the not understanding the words thing doesn't bother me if i really like the music. sometimes i prefer the words to be a mystery you know? then when i really get into listening to the band a lot i check out the words and i am usually not disappointed. i know what i am getting myself into as soon as i search cannibal corpse or lately i have been listening to the black dahlia murder A LOT lol. in the same sense sometimes i don't know quite what GG Allin or mayhem are saying on some of their early stuff so i am used to it at this point. regardless - none of the lyrics are necessarily positive lol.
but don't get me wrong. sometimes its nice to throw on some old metallica or megadeth - slayer or motorhead and not have to fight with understanding what the hell they are saying lol.
The Amorbis (June 22nd, 2013)
Cant go wrong there lmao.. sometimes i just like the bass blowing through the speakers... releive some tensions
BlameItOnGod13 (June 22nd, 2013)
it all depends on what your into my dude. the is no "right" or "wrong" when it comes to music. its all about what you enjoy. and if someone doesn't like you for being you and enjoying what you enjoy then fuck em.
when i was in 10th grade (2001?) i started exploring hip hop music. i openly talked about it amongst my friends (at the time) and they gave me shit for quite a while. i never really blasted back at them until one day i said fuck it. as in typical fashion they where giving me shit and i finally said "i really don't give a fuck what you guys think. i enjoy it and i will continue to enjoy it and listen to it regardless of what you guys think". they respected me for that i think and you wouldn't you know as soon as 50% of my group stopped caring what others thought they started listening to different hip hop too. funny.
Hell yeah... there are some people at work that tried getting me fired for the music i was listening to. When the manager walked over he sat there listened for a min realized it wasnt too loud and was sensored n started to laugh. Then walked over turned it up a lil louder n told me to go on with life.
BlameItOnGod13 (June 22nd, 2013)
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