Monday and Wednesday 9:00 (Eastern Time)- Custom Games Night (We will get everyone together to play and get familiar with one another. We will take game suggestions from all players so everyone has a good time).
Friday- 9:00 (Eastern Time)- Forum Night (We will read over the forums with players to make sure every player is aware of what we stand for, and prevent any problems within the community).
Saturday- 9:00 (Eastern Time)- Meeting (We will discuss our specific jobs within the community and make sure every player is actually doing that job. Also go over new events and changes within the community).
For those who are actually in 3rd Platoon give us feedback of how these events fit your schedule. We will send out reminders to all players a day before the event will be held. If you can't make any of these meetings let us know. We are forming a list for all players that cannot make certain events, this will excuse you from that certain event and avoid any problems.
Thank You!