Discuss anything from suggestions, ideas here. No holds barred in this forum, beware and you have been warned!
TBartt (June 6th, 2013)
Too funny reading shit like this lol...I come home and I start reading and this just had me rollen' again ! BAM !
TBartt (June 6th, 2013)
Mr. Sharrett
Lol. Cheech and a pole? C'mon! You know im in there like swim wear. TBartt dont you deny your love for me! You were all over this sweet thang that one night, at that one party boo boo.
-I done wrestled with an alligator!
-Done tussled with a whale!
-I Handcuffed lightning!
-And threw thunder in jail!
-Ive murdured a rock!
-Injured a stone!
-Hostpitalized a brick!
Im so Bad I make medicine sick. Im gon' Show you! How great I am.
"Whatcha' gon' do, When the CAG Doggs come for you?"
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