16-8 on hijacked with CAG BLACK DOGG
15-10 on grind with CAG Bx3Boyz
15-7 on nuketown with CAG KiNgJaY23gJaY23
20-9 on nuketown with CAG KiNgJaY23gJaY23
15-10 on raid with CAG KiNgJaY23
Update or start your Marksman Badge thread here
16-8 on hijacked with CAG BLACK DOGG
15-10 on grind with CAG Bx3Boyz
15-7 on nuketown with CAG KiNgJaY23gJaY23
20-9 on nuketown with CAG KiNgJaY23gJaY23
15-10 on raid with CAG KiNgJaY23
jDIAMOND (June 4th, 2013)
jDIAMOND (June 4th, 2013)
jDIAMOND (June 4th, 2013)
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