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Thread: Gaming all day.

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  1. #41
    CAG Stud
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Re:Gaming all day.

    Lookin good cheech ... i like the new layout

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  2. #42
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    Re:Gaming all day.

    Hey thanks Rand, how are things going good ? When you get a chance visit the girls website we just and show your support to these girls. The deserve it.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  3. #43
    MYtheDAMAJAH's Avatar
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    Re:Gaming all day.

    Right on. Yeah it looks legit. As for headset well I'm working some crazy hours now. I think I clocked over a hundred this week. So I hope next week slows down.

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  4. #44
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    Re:Gaming all day.

    Noli, better to have crazy hours than not have them I say....
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  5. #45
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    Re:Gaming all day.

    Good job last night everybody. We had very good games and a few bad and very bad ones too.

    We do need to start playing more organized and practicing the "NO CORNER POLICY". Keep your composure and don't turn those corners unless you have to. Be selective with your shooting, pick those shots wisely and try to avoid being identified and having your position compromised.

    Reaper: When we are in a full 6 men team, work together as a team. No turning those corners, keep your composure and refrain yourself from getting revenge because you got killed going to a certain spot. If you know you are going to get shot or the risk of being killed by going to that same spot is high, 'DON'T" do it!

    NOLIOUSMAXIMUS: You need to stay with the team. You joined CAG to be in a Clan and work as a team, follow orders. Your kill/death ratio is really poor right now. We need you to stop dying so much. If you stay with the team and stay in the area you are assigned to during a match, I promise your deaths will go down.

    GRIZZLY: You implemented the "NO CORNER POLICY" and you are the one that seems to not follow it the most now a days! lol, lead by example. I know it gets frustrating when you keep getting killed, but we do get ourselves in those bad situations by not following our gameplan. If we are going to be a Clan, lets act like one. I need you to be more vocal and start taking charge of the situation during games more often. Pick 2 guys during every match to always be on the same side or area you are at and give orders.

    CRIMSON: You have been with CAG long enough to understand how we operate. You are a consistent player and I know what to expect from you now. I would really like to see you be a bit more patient and disciplined. That "NO CORNER POLICY" would be a great start for you too. But overall your gameplay remains consistent but could be better, LOL.

    J Mocks: I have been very impressed with your gameplay since you joined CAG. At times you too lose your composure and you show it by the way you talk during matches. Lets stay focused and calm. You have the ability to become a damn good player but only if you learn to keep that anger under control.

    I hope you guys take this as constructive criticisms and nothing else. I really want everyone to work as a "TEAM". Lets get more vocal and start communicating a lot more. We used to do this very good in the past, I understand we have some new players and we do not all see eye to eye with some, but we are a Clan and we "MUST" play like one.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  6. #46
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    Re:Gaming all day.

    Great games last night you guys. Thanks for working as a "TEAM". We kicked ass and you guys even helped me get a NUKE!

    If we continue playing this way, CAG is once again going to be a dangerous CLAN. See you guys tonight.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  7. #47
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    Re:Gaming all day.

    Good games tonight you guys. We had a couple of heartbreakers but overall it was good. Let's try and get some more playing time as a Clan ok ?
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  8. #48
    GRIZZLYJDS's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Re:Gaming all day.

    we have to work on not letting people get the better of us in a game. If someone is boasting about their single win just let it go. There is no room in CAG for foolish pride. Alot of times outbursts of anger reflect poorly on the clan. If you feel yourself being upset by one or more people i advise muting them. The reputation of the clan tag should be above all else and anyone not wanting the clan to be made a joke should show nothing but respect while in a lobby. If they want to act like a child or an asshat that is their business. That is not how CAG operates.

    CAG Dogg Level: 39 [?]
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  9. #49
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    Re:Gaming all day.

    GRIZZLYJDS wrote:
    we have to work on not letting people get the better of us in a game. If someone is boasting about their single win just let it go. There is no room in CAG for foolish pride. Alot of times outbursts of anger reflect poorly on the clan. If you feel yourself being upset by one or more people i advise muting them. The reputation of the clan tag should be above all else and anyone not wanting the clan to be made a joke should show nothing but respect while in a lobby. If they want to act like a child or an asshat that is their business. That is not how CAG operates.
    My outbursts are rare and well justified regardless of what you or anyone else thinks. Getting beat the way we did for 3 games by those guys was what reflected more poorly on CAG. While you say that they got the best of me, they also got the best of you. You showed it by your undisciplined gameplay during those matches. I repeatedly said do not turn corners and Crimson and You did just that, turn those corners and gave them free kills.

    Playing with people not in our Clan is going to be something I will no longer do again. GBStar is a good friend online, but he just can not and will not follow orders. He is not part of the Clan and for many reasons. He doesn't believe in "Team Concept" and that is why he chose not to be in CAG. I don't care to play with people like that. The other 2 guys, BCVTEC and GP007 The Stig also do not understand "Team Concept".

    It is your prerogative to play with whom ever you want, but I "will not" play with those guys again. Your decision to also mock Me during those games was a very immature thing to do. If you do not agree with me Griizz then we have problems. There are and should not be any excuses for playing as undisciplined as you choose to play sometimes. MooseKnuckles suggested to me the other day that we should set up the Fire-teams with people who play similar styles. Unfortunately not everyone in CAG sees eye to eye and that is something we have to find a solution for before we lose any more Members.

    However, I will not make exceptions just to keep someone in the Clan because they do not agree with CAG's Doctrine. You might not be familiar with our Doctrine, but it's because of it that CAG has lasted for so long Grizzly. If you or anyone else can not abide by CAG's Doctrine then unfortunately CAG is not the right Clan for you. If you don't know what CAG's Doctrine is, I suggest you do a search on our website and get familiar with it. Read the Code of Conduct, Recruits Welcome and CAG Indoctrination and you will find answers there.

    But Grizzly I do agree with you, We should not allow anyone to get the best of us, but we must also show discipline while playing games and keep our composure. You are a Leader in CAG and I will again say this Grizzly, act like one. If I say don't turn corners, "DO NOT" turn those corners. Lead by example, how else are recruits and new Members supposed to learn our ways if you yourself can not follow orders or practice what you preach. You came up with the "No corner policy" but yet you "do not" practice it yourself.

    I am going to need "You" to talk to Crimson about his actions and gameplay. I know you told me he has been busy with work and other personal issues, but his gameplay is just not what I am looking for. Crimson and You joined CAG together around the same time I believe and I think it would be best for you to talk to him. If I have to make a decision regarding Crimson, it will be to remove him from the Clan. I don't want to remove an already established Clan Member but if I must do it I will.

    Well I have typed enough about this Grizz. Feel free to voice your feelings about this when ever you feel like it. Thank you and I will see talk to you later today.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  10. #50
    CAG Stud
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    Riverside California
    Leader and Founder of CAG

    Re:Gaming all day.

    I moved this thread to "News & Announcements" because of the discussion this thread has turned into. Remember, our Clan's issues should not be discussed in public forums. So please do not post or discuss Clan matters in public forums. Below is a list of the forums that are only open to Clan Members:

    1. CAG Chain of Command

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    Those are for Clan Members only and the public, registered or recruits can view these forums. Please keep private Clan matters in these forums. If any forum Moderator sees a thread that should not be in a public forum, please move it into one of these forums to make it private. If you do not know how to do so, please contact me ASAP. Thank you.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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