just a quick thought.
it might not be my place to say because i am not a leader or a full member yet but i take the risk of brining this up.
arguments, disagrememts and coments like these should not only be kept away from the public but also the members that are not involved. i brings down the moral of the rest of the unit to see two of the officers going at it like this. in the Military if you have a problem with your CO or superior you keep it to your self or talk to that individual in private, away from everyone else. last thing you want to do is create dissention amongst the ranks and put dout of comand in the minds of the lower ranks.

so maybe next time keep it in a PM and try using a little more Tact

i say this and take full responsibility for what i have said and accept any disciplinary actions you chose to take up with my statements for i am not a member yet and have really no say