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Thread: Gaming all day.

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  1. #51
    CAPT Dagger's Avatar
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    Re:Gaming all day.

    just a quick thought.
    it might not be my place to say because i am not a leader or a full member yet but i take the risk of brining this up.
    arguments, disagrememts and coments like these should not only be kept away from the public but also the members that are not involved. i brings down the moral of the rest of the unit to see two of the officers going at it like this. in the Military if you have a problem with your CO or superior you keep it to your self or talk to that individual in private, away from everyone else. last thing you want to do is create dissention amongst the ranks and put dout of comand in the minds of the lower ranks.

    so maybe next time keep it in a PM and try using a little more Tact

    i say this and take full responsibility for what i have said and accept any disciplinary actions you chose to take up with my statements for i am not a member yet and have really no say

    CAG Dogg Level: 21 [?]
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  2. #52
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Re:Gaming all day.

    CAPT Dagger wrote:
    just a quick thought.
    it might not be my place to say because i am not a leader or a full member yet but i take the risk of bringing this up.
    arguments, disagreements and comments like these should not only be kept away from the public but also the members that are not involved. i brings down the moral of the rest of the unit to see two of the officers going at it like this. in the Military if you have a problem with your CO or superior you keep it to your self or talk to that individual in private, away from everyone else. last thing you want to do is create dissension amongst the ranks and put doubt of command in the minds of the lower ranks.

    so maybe next time keep it in a PM and try using a little more Tact

    i say this and take full responsibility for what i have said and accept any disciplinary actions you chose to take up with my statements for i am not a member yet and have really no say

    I agree with you Dagger. That is why I moved this thread to Clan Members only, but we do have to be careful with the type of discussions we allow the rest of the Clan see. And no worries on you voicing yourself on the forums. Thanks for being a bit of a mediator on this matter.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  3. #53
    J Mocks's Avatar
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    Re:Gaming all day.

    I'll be on tonight (finally right). And I'm lookin to play with you Cheech. I say we should only have ONE run-n-gunner in our squad (if that's okay) and have a back-up run-n-gunner which I don't mind filling the role. But whatever suits the team best, is whats best. Your the CO and I'm comfortable with the way you're leading the squad when we play.
    "We walk by faith, not sight."

    CAG Dogg Level: 37 [?]
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  4. #54
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Leader and Founder of CAG

    Re:Gaming all day.

    Hey Joovie whats going on? I like your Sponge Bob avatar!
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  5. #55
    GRIZZLYJDS's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Re:Gaming all day.

    I resign from CAG. My gameplay as a gamer has changed due to lack of online members and the members i do play with are phenomenal run-n-gun players. In reality what it comes down to is this. GB is not a gamer tag he is a RL friend since i was 9 years old. Crimson since i was 8. A doctrine of no sort will make me tell them to fix their game play and not have as much fun to play with this clan. There is not enough structure within the clan and consistent play of 4+ members at a time to justify saying we have to camp every match. We have the mercs to be able to run n gun as we have shown in the past. Myself Ninja V GB and crimson went on a 15 game streak while running and gunning and communicating. Reality of it is this. I like everyone in this clan. But i will not be told im not playing with you if you are playing with him. You don't want to play with GB or 007 then u don't want to play with me. Real life friends who are like my family get first hand over anyone in this game. Remove me from the site. And moderator status. I am done with getting weekly messages threatening to be kicked from the clan if i don't come to the forums.

    I am sorry it came to this Cheech but i cant take the i didn't do it or it wasnt me it was u. The accusation that it got the better of me was mistaken. After game 1 the guy was talking shit and you blew up on him. I not you got 3 messages about that from people in that room. Yes i turn corners. Yes i came up with the no corner policy .. If i am running and gunning (merc) you have to turn corners. On all other maps than just a few i camped. on some of the others where they were tubing our spawn i ran into theirs to kill them.. It just seemed like the smarter thing to do.

    1. how to beat a camper..

    2. How to be a tuber/rocket/rpg
    run over to them and shoot them in the back.

    I have evolved my gameplay past camping. i can run as well. my bad for evolving.

    CAG Dogg Level: 39 [?]
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  6. #56
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Leader and Founder of CAG

    Re:Gaming all day.

    GRIZZLYJDS wrote:
    I resign from CAG. My gameplay as a gamer has changed due to lack of online members and the members i do play with are phenomenal run-n-gun players. In reality what it comes down to is this. GB is not a gamer tag he is a RL friend since i was 9 years old. Crimson since i was 8. A doctrine of no sort will make me tell them to fix their game play and not have as much fun to play with this clan. There is not enough structure within the clan and consistent play of 4+ members at a time to justify saying we have to camp every match. We have the mercs to be able to run n gun as we have shown in the past. Myself Ninja V GB and crimson went on a 15 game streak while running and gunning and communicating. Reality of it is this. I like everyone in this clan. But i will not be told im not playing with you if you are playing with him. You don't want to play with GB or 007 then u don't want to play with me. Real life friends who are like my family get first hand over anyone in this game. Remove me from the site. And moderator status. I am done with getting weekly messages threatening to be kicked from the clan if i don't come to the forums.

    I am sorry it came to this Cheech but i cant take the i didn't do it or it wasnt me it was u. The accusation that it got the better of me was mistaken. After game 1 the guy was talking shit and you blew up on him. I not you got 3 messages about that from people in that room. Yes i turn corners. Yes i came up with the no corner policy .. If i am running and gunning (merc) you have to turn corners. On all other maps than just a few i camped. on some of the others where they were tubing our spawn i ran into theirs to kill them.. It just seemed like the smarter thing to do.

    1. how to beat a camper..

    2. How to be a tuber/rocket/rpg
    run over to them and shoot them in the back.

    I have evolved my gameplay past camping. i can run as well. my bad for evolving.

    I really hate to see you go Grizz but its probably for the best. But let me make a couple of things perfectly clear. I never said if you played with GB or 007 I wouldn't play with you. Learn to comprehend what you read Grizz, that is one misconception you took from what I posted. I never said for you to tell GB and 007 to change their playing style for us. That is what your lack of comprehension led you to believe.

    Second, it took you 1 week and 3 days to respond to that post. Yes you made it perfectly clear you are now a "casual gamer", but if you have enough time to get on "FACEBOOK" and post 10 times a day, you certainly had time to come on our site and post or discuss issues in the Clan, or am I wrong?

    Your attitude reverted back to what it was when you first joined CAG. You didn't like the fact back then that you had to register and stay active on our site and you don't like it now. But somewhere in between you embraced what CAG is all about right? Nevertheless it is your prerogative and life goes on.

    Have fun and good luck Grizz.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  7. #57
    CAG Sipeasaurus's Avatar
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    Re:Gaming all day.

    Sorry for not being active on the website lately, I've got some personal stuff I had to take care of with my school, family, and girlfriend. I've try to play some just to say I'm still with the clan but shits getting hard. And now I have all my shit together, and my live is out and I don't think I'll be able to get live for another 2 weeks. If I can I'll try to stay posted on the website, but I can't promise anything. And to the loss of Grizz, damn.

    "Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference.
    The Marines don't have that problem." PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN, 1985

    CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
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  8. #58
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Leader and Founder of CAG

    Re:Gaming all day.

    Hey dude take care of business first. I hate to see anyone quitting CAG but this was probably for the best. It was his decision to leave.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  9. #59
    CAG Sipeasaurus's Avatar
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    Re:Gaming all day.

    Does anyone have a 48 hour trail card i can use to play with ya'll tom.?
    (if so, Private message me, or send it to my XBL gametag

    "Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference.
    The Marines don't have that problem." PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN, 1985

    CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
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  10. #60
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Leader and Founder of CAG

    Re:Gaming all day.

    I don't Reaper sorry buddy.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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