I'm really bad if i fly one with in 1 min in crash ): at flying them and i want to get better. So if you have any videos or good tips plz help me out Thank you
(Is this the right place to put this??? sorry if its wrong)
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Another thing that I did, is just find an empty server all the way at the end so no one joins and messes with you.
Practice there and if you need some target practice, I have no problem being your dummy so you get better bud.
Yeah I agree with Viking. That's basically how I learned to fly (and best way to start flying), just me and my friend and he was teaching me how to do things then after a bit went into real games to try it out. But after a little bit of teaching it's really just fly and learn as you go. Like tanks you'll eventually learn their limit on how high they can look and just stay above it.
BlameItOnGod13 (May 30th, 2013)
When you start messing up stop doing that. Go back to doing what you were doing when you weren't messing up. It is that simple.. And adjust your pitch and yaw every .5 seconds.
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