I loved MW3 . I tried to go back to it a couple days ago but the spawn delay was just to much to deal with now lol smh
CAG PATRON 11-22-12
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Im down to play it just hit me up....
Last edited by CAG SILENT; June 25th, 2013 at 11:23 AM.
CAG SILENT (June 25th, 2013)
Spawn Delays are just flat out turrrible (CHarles Barkley voice). I've been playing on PC recently. It can be fun but it's mostly dog crap.
I play bf3 every once in a while, I actually like playing bf3 more than any cod game but the hit detection on bf3 has become just as bad as cod.
Even on hardcore you still get hit markers using a fucking mounted .50 cal on bf3. When bf3 first came out the game was almost perfect, but all these fucking pussy cod players jumped on the game and started crying about how powerful this and that weapon were.
I don't ever remember a game having as many updates and patches as bf3 has had. You just start to get used to the weapon updates and they come up with a new one and fuck the whole balance of the weapons again. There has just never been any consistency on bf3.
BF3 is BF3 and COD is COD, EA really sold out and EA is just a piece of shit company anyways.
Now MW3 could of turned out to be a great game, but instead they chose to again make it a pick-up and play game. What does pick-up and play mean?
Pick-up and play means any one can pick up any COD game and be great at it within hours. I don't know how many times I have typed the following phrase but I will do it again, you don't need any skill to run around in COD games spraying and praying to get kills.
Yes that fucking spawn delay is bullshit
Buhzerk v (June 27th, 2013),Inception322 (June 27th, 2013)
T think Mw3 is still a fun game ..Not just saying that to disagree!!, I play it all day and i play alot of 2v2 and 1v1 and people have microphones!..Alot of clans still do play mw3 alot !!.If you play it some more trust me itlll show improvement..I just started playing battle feild so its a different concept from the COD..But i still do enjoy MW3
I played battlefield with some of the CAG members ! Mw3 is played by alot still.. I play it ... Cowboy plays it..Him and i went against a clan.So yeah the game has alot of potential still
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