yeah man im still gonna call you kojak, thats why if i change my name im just gonna put CAG in front of my name so everyone will still call me decap it would be weird hearin a different name.
Please put old username and the new username you would like to change to.
Carnage (April 5th, 2014)
Yeah still gonna call ya Kojak lol
Carnage (April 5th, 2014)
Known by few as clone known by many as kojak creating a name for Carnage
Should of had CAG KoJaK, would of looked sick.
Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk
I wanted a new name I've had Kojak for almost 3 years now
I'm requesting my name to be changed to CAG Spartan
~Spartans lead the way
CAG Archangel (April 10th, 2014)
Old Gt.: JustUnbalanced
New GT: CAG Unbalanced
Please could it be changed on the forums
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We ask that you guys do not ask for username request changes until you become a full member and that you also do not change your gamertag until you become a full member as well ...We love the fact that you guys want to represent CAG as recruits but what if there is something you guys don't like about us or visa versa ...
CAG Archangel (April 11th, 2014),CAG SILENT (April 10th, 2014)
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