Or atleast capitalize the first letter ... It's like your making a statement
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Please put old username and the new username you would like to change to.
Or atleast capitalize the first letter ... It's like your making a statement
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lone forces (October 28th, 2013)
So i have been thinking about changing my GT to CAG Ninja. I know that there was someone with that GT already, but since he left, I was wondering if changing my GT would be ok. Any thoughts?
CAG CheechDogg (October 26th, 2013),OMG Its TEFLON (October 27th, 2013),Randuken (October 26th, 2013)
Do it Do it !
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CAG CheechDogg (October 26th, 2013),OMG Its TEFLON (October 27th, 2013)
You might not be able to change it to that on xbl since that gt was already taken....but try it ...
AGC Ninja (October 26th, 2013)
Who's back with CAG ?
He never had CAG Ninja it was XxCAG NinjaxX
Yes randy, there was a CAG Ninja in the clan before ..not sure if it will let him have it ...
Ok, so XBOX Live won't let me use CAG Ninja. It says its already in use, but when I try to send a message to CAG Ninja, it tells me the GT does not exist. I find that kinda stupid. What do you guys think about CAG Ninjato or CAG Ninjas?
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