Just want to take this moment to give a shoutout to all the mothers on cagclan....and will 2780 happy mothers day...haha...enjoy your weekend
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PATRON (May 11th, 2013)
PATRON (May 11th, 2013)
Sorru to hear that grits . But u cant be so bitter torwards it man . U still sh ould give thanks . To her being a great mother that im sure she was .
My mom is still alive but she never contacts me our my kids .its been about 6 years since iv heard my moms voice . And she is only about an hour away at the most away from me and my family .she has the strenth to post on facebook about every other grand kid every chance she has . But dont have the strenth to keep in touch with me and my kids
Smh .
So really whats worst ur mom that has passed .
Our a mom that is still living but wont give no recognition because her pride wont let her
Just saying man ..
Happy mothers day to ALL THE MOTHERS OUT THERE ..
Sent Via Tapatalk From CAG Headquaters
PATRON (May 11th, 2013)
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