Hey! My names Chelsea! A lot of people that I talk to call me Skotty on xbox live. I am 19 years old and a Candian, I looove playing video games, Black Ops II and Fable III are my main games lately, I enjoy playing Zombies, Hardcore Search and Destory, and Hardcore Domination on Black Ops II. I also take a fancy in playing instruments, so if I don't reply or accept a game invite it would more then likely be because I'm working on a cover, or just not paying attention to my xbox because I'm jamming out to my favorite band Black Tide, umm, I like turtles? Lol...
I enjoy trying different game modes on Black Ops II, whether or not I like it, I refuse to play most Core modes unless it's for League Play, I am in a COD Elite Clan with two of my buddies, it's called Eagle Claws, I just joined not long ago..
Hmm, I can't think of what else to type.. sooo!
Send me a friends request on xbox live and let the games bein! <-- (I edited this post yes... @_@ )
GT - xVestige Juliet