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19-8 Turbine with will2780, B to the K, CAG BEAT DOWN
Rgr witnessed and acknowledged
16-8 RAID will2780,B to the K, CAG BEATDOWN
Witnessed and acknowledged
23-5 Raid with B to the K and CAG SUPER SCOUT
17-7 Hijacked with B to the K and CAG SUPER SCOUT
19-9 Grind with B to the K and CAG SUPER SCOUT
Roger that to all three games, great job freak!
BLACK DOGG (May 2nd, 2013)
thanks SUPER SCOUT...by the way..im still thinkin bout changing my gamertag to SUPER TANKER...then we can start our Armor Division..haha
BLACK DOGG (May 2nd, 2013),Bx3Boyz (May 2nd, 2013)
Right on, be proud you're a tanker! Not too many left! A lot became scouts in the last five years, I've had to show many scankers what boot laces are and how to use them!
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