3 marksman medals Randuken can verify
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3 marksman medals Randuken can verify
CAG CheechDogg (April 17th, 2013)
Ver-ifi-ed Let me know when we could have a chat Nashville just gotta go over few things with ya, I'll be on tonight (New Maps) etc ....
CAG CheechDogg (April 17th, 2013)
2 more marksmen CAG Rabid XXL can verify
16 - 4 carrier
22-9 magma
Last edited by Rab1d XXL; April 22nd, 2013 at 08:35 PM.
Congratulations CAG DOGG you have been accepted into 2nd platoon Alpha Squad. Your new sqaud leader is bx3 boyz. He is your commanding officer and he will be able to help you with just about everything and is your direct line to the brass. Now that you are part of the "Wolf Pack" we will expect more out of you. We will expect that you will conduct yourself with Dignity, Pride , and Respect for your fellow DOGGs and any other gamer in the community.We Hope you will actively seek out to complete medals. We will also hope that you will push yourself to further yourself in the clan as well as in life in general.
Thank You and Good Luck,
via tapatalk from the cave
BEAT DOWN (April 22nd, 2013),BLACK DOGG (April 22nd, 2013),jDIAMOND (April 22nd, 2013)
BEAT DOWN (April 22nd, 2013)
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