this thing in boston is crazy. I hope they get the people behind it in all phases. what drives me nuts is listening to the media reporting it for 8 straight hours. the 911 calls and first hand descriptions. I just don't find anything productive in listening to that shit all day. wait a few days im sure we will find out what happened. just like after any bad thing that happens. and my other thing is just cause CNN is reporting it doesn't make it ALWAYS true. like all the misreporting in New Orleans after the flood. some of the stuff they reported straight didn't happen. they made a few retractions. I feel for everyone affected directly or indirectly by this, its fucked up bottom line. I hope no one takes offense that's not my intention. im not really following through with the shut the fuck up with my opinions stuff am I? I guess this is my only way to share thoughts with other human beings about whatever. people in my town are mostly... ehhh we don't see eye to eye. a lot. if this pisses anyone off just delete it. sorry.