first off im sorry to be flooding the general topics lately with defiance stuff. i dont know where else to put it. if we stick to this lets say 2 more weeks or so, maybe have a defiance section? we are gonna do the squad/unit/whatever you wanna call it thing. i wouldnt say have it like CoD, there is as many of us, but just a general defiance section.
ANYWAY, ughhh lol, I managed to scratch my ass and get 20 microsoft points to fall out (if anyone else wants to try just be gentle) so i bought 1800 bits (a form of in game currency, 3th by my count) so to test things out tonight at lets say 9 pm EST im gonna purchase a clan loot boost. everyone in the clan with get a 7% better chance at loot. hopefully 7% chance at better loot as well lol. this will be active for 24 hours. now it only cost 112 of my 1800 bits to do this. so provided we stick with it i plan on buying 5-7 more clan boosts over the next series of weekends. if there is one in particular you want to try then by all means speak up here. if there is a day thats best for karma nightmare gee snake or time frame let me know. i want all of us to be able to take some advantage of this. i would suggest running co-ops they drop the most loot at the moment.
anything else folks hit me up. keep it gangsta. deuces.