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Thread: Defiance patch notes updated

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  1. #1
    NIGHTMARE's Avatar
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    Defiance patch notes updated

    Heres latest draft patch notes. This is how a game should be run

    Defiance: Patch 1.010 - Sharks (in winter solstice)

    Our team is working day and night to provide updates and add more polish to Defiance across all platforms. Below you will find the current draft patch notes for our first major update.*GENERAL● Improved server and client stability.● Main missions are now replayable after completion of the last mission.● Extraction timer upped from 30 to 90 seconds to allow more time for fellow players to revive you.● Optimized objects throughout the world to minimize pop-up and improve overall performance.● Area voice chat has been improved and is now*OFF*by default.● Voice and text chat channels can now be muted independently.● Text chat now displays for longer and no longer hides when sprinting or boosting.MISSIONS● General polish and bug fixes for all missions and side missions.● Heart of Darkness: Completing this mission now unlocks new side missions.● Removed timer delays between a few main missions.● Updated several side missions to ensure that they would not be void of enemies.● Bolinas Smeltery, North Point Mine, Alamo, Happy Pow Farms and Kinship Plaza now have increased rewards.● Bug fixes○ Fixed some data recorder typos.○ Removed health bar from APS dropbox at the crash site.○ Kith and Kinship: Fixed flyout text for a dead soldier.○ Muir Processing: Fixed some inactive enemies.○ Sniper’s Ridge: Added flyout text to interactable ammo caches.○ Sniper’s Ridge: Fixed an issue where event would reset if you left the area during the boss stage.○ Sutro Tower: Added collision to the destroyed monolith.○ KTAM: Added some missing doors to the buildings that were disappearing if you returned after completing the mission.○ There Goes the Neighborhood: Removed some unnecessary EGO voice overs.○ Down at the Docks: Players now receive proper credit if they complete the mission outside the POI radius.○ Mine 98: Fixed a missing spawn door.○ Iron Demon Ranch: Players will no longer extract to a hostile environment.○ Good Ol’ Smets now matches the cutscene in Ridgecrest.○ Radio Silence: Fixed comlink antenna animation.○ Pirate Radio: Fixed continuously respawning scrappers after completing the mission.○ We’re on the Air: Cass should move up to fix the control panel sooner.*○ Angel of Death: Fixed a bug in Part 1 that caused the mission to not complete properly.○ A Little Competition: Fixed an issue where you would be unable to obtain the mission until after you completed the event, if you had entered another player’s phase before getting the mission.○ Added some missing scanning interactions to various mission objectives.○ Raid the Medicine Cabinet: Fixed an issue that stopped progression○ Seize the Day: Fixed a potential progression issue.○ Control the Future: Fixed a potential progression issue.*○ Torc’s Garage: Fixed an issue that caused Von Bach to float.○ San Quentin: Fixed some explosions that were not firing after the cutscene.○ Safe No More: Moved Smets to lean against the wall to match the cutscene.○ Murder in Madera: Fixed some raiders that were fighting each other on the docks.○ Enter the Law Keeper: Adjusted player position to match cutscene.○ Fixed the reactor in the tutorial being active before the player arrives.○ North Point Mine: Fixed an issue where the Foreman and Technician would stop patrolling to each of the objects they are interacting with.*○ Fixed missing voice overs in a few missions.○ Miwok Ranch: Fixed an issue where the rancher during the Boss Stage would sometimes not move after reviving the first fallen rancher and would prevent you from completing the mission.CHALLENGES AND RACES● Hotshot: Dam Defense - Adjusted rocket launcher damage.● Hotshot: Reservoir Chickens - Adjusted chicken re-spawn rates and made scoring points tweaks.● Sharpshooting Savior and Hamburger Hill challenges have had their scoring tweaked.● Rescored Rampage: Minigun Mayhem: Bronze: 20000, Silver: 40000, Gold: 60000*● Bug fixes○ Rankings should now be displaying on the end screen.○ Prevented an exploit in which players could get infinite ammo during a rampage.○ Players should no longer be able to enter a phase while in a race.EMERGENCIES● Added new emergency types throughout the bay area.● General polish for all emergencies.● Tuned emergency sockets in Marin.● Bug fixes○ Road Minefield: Fixed an issue that caused delayed mine explosion.○ Fixed an issue that caused emergencies to not end properly.○ Gang War: Fixed a bug that caused enemies to ignore ATV collision.○ Fixed a problem where emergency vendors would show as interactive, but not actually be interactive.○ Fixed a “no string” text appearing upon completion of some emergencies.ARKFALLS● There’s a Bioman Minigunner in the final wave of the Mutant Mayhem Arkfall – Only accessible on the “hard” wave!● Updated wave progressions for the 99er minor destroy arkfall.*● Adjusted arkfall difficulty scaling.● Minor arkfalls will now respawn after 30 minutes.● Progenitor Armatures will now destroy vehicles.● Bug fixes○ Evolved Hellion arkfall now gives credit towards the Ark Hunting as a Way of Life pursuit.○ Fixed incorrect key code rewards for arkfalls.○ Fixed a floating arkfall crystal.○ Results screen now appears if the player teleports to an arkfall.○ Emergencies within a major arkfall radius should now despawn.PLAYER CHARACTER● Bug Fixes○ Fixed a bug that caused characters to dive-roll in place.○ Fixed a bug that caused characters to run in place.*○ Fixed a bug that caused ladder animation to play while not on a ladder.NPCS● Updated Dark Matter enforcer’s cloak spawn animation.● Added mutants to Serenity Academy after Kith and Kinship has been completed.*● Hellbug skitterlings are now a little more aggressive and deal a little more damage.● Alamo Park in San Fran has now been occupied by Dark Matter when player is not on the area specific mission.● Downtown San Francisco enemies have been updated.● Added disguised Dark Matter allies to Dark Matter base.*● Friendly scrappers now have blue lasers instead of red.● Elite Mad Mattock shields have been lowered from 5400 to 4500.● Lowered health on Dark Matter snipers.● Tuned Piercer Boss in Liberate the Lost.● Mutant grenadier in Into the Depths is now Elite.● Crashing a vehicle into a monarch will cause the vehicle to blow up.● Improved “bulldoze” attack for various NPCs.● Bug Fixes○ E Rep Camp: Fixed E Rep Technician animation.○ Sausalito: Fixed a Blitzer that was instantly respawning.○ Fixed some NPC helicopters that were flying through geo.*○ Elemental raiders now use appropriate effects when taunting.○ North Point Mine: Fixed tanker boss pop-in.○ Happy Pow Farms: Fixed some disappearing hellbugs.*○ Fixed a bug that caused some enemies to go invisible.○ Bernal Tower: Fixed some scrappers that would respawn after you completed the event.○ Fixed a bug that caused ally NPCs to retain their shader after being revived.○ Liberate the Lost: Fixed an issue that was causing the siphon monarch to not siphon correctly.○ Minimized the chance of blitzers firing out of the side of their guns while running.*○ Mount Tam: Fixed various floating spawns and some collision issues.○ Fixed an exploit that caused mutant minigunners to have a hard time tracking players at close range.○ Fixed some 99ers that weren’t flailing when being electrocuted.○ East Shore Docks: Fixed an issue in which two hostages freed from the main warehouse would path through the vendor truck.○ Tanker rockets should not agro cloaked players.○ Fixed a few spawners that were appearing incorrectly.○ Fixed siphon blast pods that weren’t healing themselves with the syphon effect.○ Soleptor Excavations: Fixed a pathing issue with the Hulker Boss.○ Improved firing behavior for multiple enemy NPCs.○ Fixed multiple NPCs playing run animation while walking.○ Fixed multiple NPCs not playing animation when getting up after knockdown.○ Fix bug where NPCs were continually playing shooting animation even when they’ve run out of ammo.○ Fixed bug where NPC melee wasn’t damaging fully cloaked playersCOMPETITIVE MULTIPLAYER● Observatory & Waterfront: Updated and moved a few ammo caches.● All capture and hold matches in both shadow war and battlegrounds now last for 20 minutes instead of 15.● Updated scoring for capture and hold matches.● Improved matchmaking for multiplayer.*● Bug fixes○ Players are now not able to use inventory vehicles in shadow war or shadow war vehicles outside of shadow war.○ Changed kill notifications when killed by an NPC so that it doesn’t look like a suicide.○ Kill notification now appears properly when killed by an elemental weapon proc.CO-OP AND SOLO MAPS● General polish and bug fixes for all co-op and solo maps.● Updated timing for several interactables.● Updated fence collision in Scrapworks and Angel Island.● Ammo caches found in boss rooms have updated visuals.● Time goals for certain Co-op Map Pursuits have been updated.● Sc

    Sent from my Galaxy Note using Taptalk 2

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  2. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to NIGHTMARE For This Fucking Post:

    ttakgti (April 12th, 2013)

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    Looks like a tall order

    CAG Dogg Level: 30 [?]
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  4. #3
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    Wilkes Burrr

    good they are fixing alot of that stuff. i dont see some of my peeves though. is all that final and will they be fixing any other issues?

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  5. #4
    ttakgti's Avatar
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    Well it just says the latest so there might be more. Will see on Monday I guess still need a bank and trade system after that pawn stars trade yesterday

    CAG Dogg Level: 30 [?]
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  6. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to ttakgti For This Fucking Post:

    Buzzard (April 12th, 2013)

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