I would like some help on bf3 since im new to it, I should get the game shortly and hope everyone has a great day or night! My GT is CAG AGirlShotU
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I would like some help on bf3 since im new to it, I should get the game shortly and hope everyone has a great day or night! My GT is CAG AGirlShotU
CAG CheechDogg (March 28th, 2013)
I'll give you a hand.
*If your getting premium you have at least a couple hours of updates/dlc to install first.
No i got the regular one, if i like bf3 a lot i will get premium
CAG CheechDogg (March 28th, 2013)
Ok, your still looking at 30mins to an hour for updates depending on your internet.
CAG CheechDogg (March 28th, 2013)
So you gonna be core or hardcore? We would love to have you in Easy!
Sent from a secluded base somewhere in the Alpha Quadrant
CAG CheechDogg (March 28th, 2013)
CAG CheechDogg (March 28th, 2013),Mister Gee 62 (March 28th, 2013),StormySGT ELIAS (March 28th, 2013)
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