Tonight kind of started as Grits Ninja and I messing around in Blackbirds and Z-11 trying to hone our skills at evasive maneuvers and Briffimus joined us. We started a game. How that game went doesn't matter. It was a good game and was fun. But after that Spekcter (Charlie Co.) joined and then next thing we knew (at this point Whyte Fist and someone else was in there) we have a near full game going and people were filling the server one after another.. It took the two companies a minute or two but like the CAG Brother we are we pulled together and destroyed the other team in not one but 3 matches.
The first one they had a glimmer of hope while we learned how we fit together. After that we ripped their world out from under them and just destroyed them..
Grits and Ninja were beasting everywhere they went and Briffimus and Spekcter were an unstoppable force in the tank. I really just hid in a bush because i was amazed at the destruction falling from above and the explosions below. It was a great game guys and I can't wait to have Gee in on the next one. Ohhhh Rahhhhh