some know im a broncos fan some dont. patron does lol. id like to see how you feel about what your teams have done until now. our 2 key acquistions so far were rodgers-cromartie (didnt know til cheech told me lol) and welker. im glad we decided to try and do something with our secondary it was a huge let down in the post season. welker i didnt like at first our wideouts were fine and we are deep there. deeper than most. but now its arguably the best league wide thus far (monday march 18 706am est). im also so glad he went to denver because I HATE NEW ENGLAND for numerous reasons.. cocky fans that when they lose everyone else is hating... people are tired of seeing you constantly win get over it... brady wears mandals and the list goes on. i jokingly offered a buddy magic markers for his welker jersey on xbl. still no reply. pats fans are mad as fuck at us and i love it... haters? im sad to see dumervil go but thats his problem now. overall we are looking tough. we need a D end now a reliable RB would be nice but we still have the draft. i dont forsee us signing any more big names.. the draftees gotta get paid too.. so we will see what happens next. pretty stoked for next year are schedule strength is horrid so i anticapte another first round bye. the whole may not be battle tested come the post season is a thought but ehhh not sweatin it atm. peytons got plenty of time to get welker up to speed and is the ultimate preparer. what are your guys' teams and thoughts on their offseason thus far? also mention who got who i havent been paying much attention.