They need to seriously fix the fucking SMGs. I am tired of getting killed by someone with an SMG from 100 yards away when I should be getting the fucking kill but instead I only get hit fucking markers.
When the game first came out, all the weapons will very well balanced, but of course fucking kids started crying about how useless SMGs were and they did what they did.
CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
Experience: 289,296,505
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Thats EA for ya all they care about is lining their pockets and hushing the whiners. I'm a strong support player and a bi-pod enthusiast even with the assault kit (ex.scar-L, holo sight and bi-pod) I find the initial stats of the rifle are good for medium to close range and for long distances a bi-pod fills in the gap. On the an-94 its overkill and a half haha
CAG Dogg Level: 42 [?]
Experience: 2,804,511
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