ok its like this. if i send any of you new recruits a game/party invite or a message and you dont respond in some sort of fashion im 86in you from my friends list. most of the fellas will give you 3 chances. well im not most fellas. you get 1 chance from me. im just over being blantly ignored that shit pisses me off to no fucking end. you came to us. you filled out an app. your posting on our forums. im not tryin to come off as mean or an asshole but sorry. i try to be nice and courteous to every clan newbie. most arent even following protocol with friend requests and some wont accept them. not me i accept all requests cause i try to be super friendly. i try to get games in with all recruits. im not calling anyone out or singling anyone out in any manner shape or form. but if you ignore me well congratulations you just got on my bad side and i will do nothing for you. sorry but im gettin gangster with it. so thats that. now you know.