well payday is upon me. pretty stoked. in about 3-4 hours i'll have my PS3 back (going through rough times financially) and TV. luckily there is this great pawn spot by my house and i do them TONS of business so they always help me out. but this kind of thing will be ending. i got 81 bucks a month free'd up cause a loan is almost paid off so. anyway.
If all goes right, I should have about 120-140 to spend on a CC, and i was looking at some online from like kmart/walmart and they have HD ones for 70+ i believe? so that should work out i hope. its only gonna be like ps3 bo2 and NFS epic drifting for the time being. maybe ill do some epic cop chases. my youtube name is Ramalamadingbong. from a tv show. some of you might to be far too young to know of it. anyway ill follow up in this thread will the status of that.
also income tax should be back in t-minus 3 weeks 5 or so days? and ill be back on XBL! i plan on gettin BO2, NHL13, AC3, Halo4 and NFS most wanted on that platform as well. if they ever add online drifting to Forza Horizon ill get that back as well. so glad i spent 50 bucks on that season pass....that will teach me to anticipate an online game mode...
well happy tuesday CAGsters. mess those fools on XBL up for me once or twice. i wanna get into a GB squad when i get back!