What is the impact of changing your sensitivity? What do you recommend as a setting and why?
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What is the impact of changing your sensitivity? What do you recommend as a setting and why?
Bob Hauk: You going to kill me, Snake?
Snake Plissken: Not now, I'm too tired.
Snake Plissken: Maybe later.
Sensitvity is all based on you play with what your comfortable playing with. I personally play on 6 I see allot of players playing at to high of a sensitvity and cant make the distance shots try raising it slowly 1 at a time. You will notice a slight change going one at a time dont go jumping to 7 if you play at 3 or 4. If you enjoy using a assault rifle play at a lower sensitvity makes those long shots a little easier. With me being a SnD player i like Sub's there for a higher sensitvity is better for turning on my victims.
i dont touch mine. i leave it bone stock which is now 4. and i run and gun. i very very rarely will not get those quick adjusters but it doesnt happen enough to make me raise it. i find that i even less rarely miss at range. and thats how i get alot of my kills. recognize and attack. i only play on a 34 inch flatscreen but it is literally 1 mabye 1 1/2 feet from my face, eye level. i find it absolutely imperative for your tv to be eye level. i just play so much better that way. so it all works excellent for me.
What works for 1 or 2 might not work for you.
I don't run around much so I have mine set as low as 2 at times for those long shots. When I do decide to move around I raise it up around 7-8.
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