Every country has tried or banned a game because of how their country is being portrayed by the game in question.
Back with GRAW and GRAW 2, Mexico banned the game in Mexico because of the same shit. Just like we have the right to create a game that portrays who the fuck they want like the want, that country has the right to ban the game if they so choose to.
I personally don't give a fuck who gets offended by anything, while I won't personally go and offend someone on purpose, those who do get offended have the right to do what they want as long as it is done correctly.
Put it this way, it takes a lot from anyone to offend me and my country of Mexico, nothing anyone can say is enough to offend me. I say this because my tolerance level is unrivaled, what others believe I respect no matter who or what they are, if I didn't that would only make me an ignorant asshole, right?
Call me a wetback or border hopper, I could give a fuck. Call Mexican's lazy or even terrorists, I don't give a fuck. You know why I don't?, because there is truth in that, but every race has it's rotten apples at the bottom of the barrel.