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Thread: [SPOILER ALERT] Black Ops 2 Die Rise Zombies DLC Detailed

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CAG CheechDogg [SPOILER ALERT] Black Ops 2... January 17th, 2013, 06:48 AM
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    [SPOILER ALERT] Black Ops 2 Die Rise Zombies DLC Detailed

    by Mario Caballero

    There have been many rumours going around about the DLC for Black Ops 2, with the name of Revolution. This DLC will offer players four multi-maps and a bonus one with the name of Die Rise. The DLC is coming out on 29th January and we have some very juicy details about it, with one of these being an Easter Egg that you have to solve within the game.

    Black Ops 2 Revolution DLC: Possibly Die Rise Zombies map spoilers

    One fan of the game said that they have had the DLC for some time now, before it has been released, however he wouldn’t say how he managed to get it. He had talked about the DLC and the fact that the zombie map does have links that go back to the Der Riese map, this was first seen in Call of Duty: World at War.

    The information below may spoil the Revolution DLC for you, however it does offer an interesting insight into the Black Ops 2 DLC so proceed at your own discretion.

    According to the gamer, Die Rise takes place in Germany and there are four regions of Tranzit, which have been seen in Green Run.

    The robot driver T.E.D.D once again makes an appearance, however he comes dressed up as a farmer and he his driving a cart around. This is used to explore the City, the Village, Nuclear Plant and the Railroad Station.

    The gamer said that you have to go back into the original Der Riese map in order to complete an achievement. This has the name of “Where it all started”. This is where you have to find a giant, giant in Germany is called Der Riese by the way. This give you an idea that the Easter Egg will take you back to the old map.

    This could be a pattern as Treyarch out Nacht Der Untoten in the Green Run. Of course these are nothing more than rumours at the moment. But what is interesting if this proves to be true, is that fact that Black Ops 2 was hacked. So what security surrounds it and how many other people have managed to get their hands on the Revolution DLC before its release?

    Last edited by CAG CheechDogg; January 17th, 2013 at 06:53 AM.
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