Give your feedback on our site here ! You can also discuss or report errors on our website here. Post your sigs, logos and other art you might have here as well !!
Some of you guys maybe most will start seeing a pop up that says :
Hey (your username) you need to fill out your profile ! Check and make sure you have your Location, XBL Gamertag or PSN in your profile ...This notice WILL NOT disappear until you fill in those 2 fields, you can update your profile by clicking HERE
This pop up "WILL NOT" disappear until you guys put your xbl gamertag and or psn id .... if you only have an xbl gamertag and not a PSN ID use it on both fields, that will also add you to the roster ...
So remember, add your location, use your xbl gamertag and psn id on both , doesn't matter if you don't have one ...
For location you should use your City, State, Country, i.e., Riverside California, USA
Read and understood
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