I'm about to go out and get rainbow six vegas 2 again, its 5 bucks used n like 10 new. i've always had tons of fun with this game. Does anybody have it or want to start playin a little multiplayer?
Discuss anything from suggestions, ideas here. No holds barred in this forum, beware and you have been warned!
likethegun (January 10th, 2013)
likethegun (January 10th, 2013)
i trade it in because it horrible, wasn't worth it. I agree with Cheech the first one was better.
CAG CheechDogg (January 5th, 2013)
I disagree Diamond, I loved just about every Rainbow up until Vegas 2, it's where CAG really made put itself on the map, but Vegas 2 was just a piece of shit game.
There was nothing in Vegas 2 that was an upgrade to Vegas, I only played it for 2 weeks and I sold it. There is a difference between being a fan and being a homer, I am no homer of anything, if something sucks in something I like I will say it sucks. Might not mean everyone will agree that it sucks but I won't glorify or say something is good just because I have been playing it for so long and everyone basically feels like you are obligated to say it is good when it's not.
I was a huge GRAW fan and we all know that GRAW: FS sucked ass. If these assholes do not put Rainbow: Patriots on dedicated servers I will not buy it. They have been using the same servers from almost 8 years ago, totally unacceptable for today's gaming.
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