CAG is recruiting new Members for Battlefield 3, MW3, Black Ops, MW2, Homefront, Halo and other games. CAG has a 1 month probation period to allow for a proper and thorough evaluation of all applicants. We require that all applicants be active during this 1 month period as much as possible. All meetings must be attended and recruits will be required to play at least 3 times a week with at least 1 Officer.
Ranking up will be different for each game. The ranking process for Black Ops will not be the same for other games. The best way to rank up in CAG is to be as active as possible. Using the website and forums is the best way for recruits to rank up.
Being active not only shows that you are active, but also shows that you are interested in what is going on with the Clan. The forums are your best friend, use the forums to your advantage. The more you post and participate in forum discussions, the better the chances become for you to rank up.
This year CAG will take a new approach towards recruiting new Members. For the first time CAG will focus on establishing a more relaxed and casual atmosphere. CAG will strongly emphasize not only belonging to a Clan but also a Family. We are going to focus and make Casual Gamers feel at home just as we do with the Hardcore Gamers.The following are Members who you should add to your friendlist. Because of the limit of friends allowed, you will only be able to add so many and we understand that. You "don't" need everyone on your friendlist.If you are interested in joining CAG, please [register]yourself first. Once you have registered please go through the following list and complete the following steps.
Once you have completely filled out your profile, go to the Forums and introduce yourself to the Clan by posting a new thread under New Member Introductions
In your Introduction thread please include the following1. Where did you hear about CAG2. Who recruited you3. What type of player are you, Tactful (camper) or Aggressive (run n gun)4. What times you are available, you can also include this in your Service RecordYou can include any other information you think could help you i.e., but not limited to other Clans you have been a part of, what position in those Clans did you hold. Why you are no longer part of a Clan.
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