Attacking Strategy on Pipeline from South Spawn
Our strategy for this map when attacking from the South Spawn is flanking right towards the North as a squad. Everyone "must" move fast but cautiously. A Sentry Gun "must" be placed at point "B" and a Claymore at point "A". Two men will be covering the rear for any enemy that might try to flank. The Sentry Gun at point B will take care of any enemy moving up to the sniping balcony while the Claymore at point A will handle the first enemy to turn that corner.
The two men covering the rear must under no circumstance look away from the rear unless told to move up. Point C marks the alley underneath the sniping balcony and must be covered until the men at the rear can move up safely towards points D and E. Once our rear defense reach points D and E the man covering point C can move towards point F to begin moving towards the objective.
While moving North everyone must move fast without hesitation, our points of insertion will be through points D, E and G simultaneously if possible.
Pipeline Default Defense Set Up
Market Default Defense
Our default defensive set up for Market is very simple. Point A is the alley on the right side in the south spawn and point C is the alley behind the objective leading towards the south spawn and both "must" be covered as soon as we spawn. Point A will be cheechdogg's spot or the leader of the squad.
Point D is the alley between the meat market and the rooftop next to the meat market where the back alley and the big tree is at. If we say tree alley that is what we are talking about. Point E is the middle area in front of the North Side Sniper Balcony and point G is the hallway leading up towards point F which is the snipers balcony over the objective.
When defending we "must" stay in these general points and avoid turning corners.
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