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Thread: CAG: Recruiting for Black Ops 2

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    CAG Staff's Avatar
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    CAG: Recruiting for Black Ops 2

    CAG Clan

    CAG is recruiting for Black Ops 2
    CAG recruiting bf3 mw3 grfsIf you are reading this it's because you are interested in joining a Clan right? With the rise in Clans being formed on XBOX and PS3 these days, it is very hard to find a Clan that you can feel right at home with. So why is it so hard to find a Clan? Well the reasons are many and very common.

    Many of the Clans now are started by gamers who are under the age of 18 and allow gamers under the age of 18 who are very immature or are more interested in hacking, boosting or just simply causing problems in lobbies for other gamers. These Clans only last a couple of months and leave a sour taste in the mouths of anyone who associates themselves with these Clans. As a result of the experience gamers endure while being members of clans like these they become disillusioned and most of the times have a hard time trusting others Clans in the future.
    black ops 2 recruiting
    While most these Clans think they are "beasting" or "kicking ass" on public lobbies by using "noob" tactics such as spawn killing or using glitches or hacks to get a win there are still some very decent and legitimate Clans out there for the mature gamers such as CAG (Combat Applications Group).CAG is always looking for new members and only recruits mature gamers. They have been around since 2001 and have managed to outlast many Clans by doing things the right way. They do not allow immaturity, hackers, cheaters or arrogant gamers in the Clan.
    Recruiting is not easy because there are so many different things to look for just to find recruits. Many times these recruits are looking for a Clan and are only interested in a single game such as the very popular BF3 which offers the most realistic experience when it comes to large scale battles. CAG has many members on BF3 and is always looking for recruits who are interested in joining an organized Clan.
    mw3 recruiting
    With games such as MW3 which offers a more arcade style experience for the casual to semi-hardcore gamers, this makes it even more difficult to recruit. Games like these promote the more aggressive "run-n-gun" playing style than the tactical style that BF3 requires to play; nevertheless, CAG has been able to accommodate both types of players to date.
    bf3 recruitingCAG understands that it is just as difficult to find a good Clan as it is to recruit and we want you to feel right at home from day one. CAG is a Clan where you can have fun while playing in public lobbies without having to worry about random players not having microphones or those annoying, immature idiots who want to ruin your gaming experience by team killing you during a game.
    CAG's #1 goal is to always have someone for you to play with regardless of what time you are able to get on, whether it's because of your job, school or kids you can always count on someone to be on when you jump on. There will be those rare instances when you might not find anyone online but lets face it, we all have lives outside of gaming right?So look no further and join CAG now! There is no better time than now to become a Member of a very well established Clan that emphasizes teamwork over anything else. CAG offers opportunities for dedicated gamers who are interested in Leadership roles to further strengthened the Clan.

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