New Features & Feature ImprovementsIssues Addressed
- Added support for posting Live Stream URLs to Twitter.
- Improved audio/rumble responsiveness when hitting enemies with gunfire.
- Improved overall communication of Double XP when enabled.
- AAR better communicates how much XP was earned in each match.
- Added the ability to “View League Teams” from any player’s Playercard.
- Added the ability to “View Playercard” from League solo leaderboards.
- Added a number of security system enhancements.
- Added Hardcore Kill Confirmed playlist to the Hardcore category
Gameplay Balancing
- Fixed a rare hang (“Awaiting Textures”) upon loading into maps when joining a session in progress after fresh boot.
- Game now resets the Care Package for a non-owner if the owner re-rolls the package using the Engineer perk.
- Players with Black Hat PDA can no longer hack a Care Package faster than the owner can capture it.
- Addressed an exploit where modified console hackers could maliciously spread infected films to other users.
- Added a fail-safe to prevent spawn trapping in CTF.
- Increased sight checks on turrets to improve spawning algorithms.
- Fixed a number of new UI error messages reported by users.
- Addressed a number of issues that would cause friendly/enemy color indicators on equipment and scorestreaks to display as the wrong team.
- Improved overall Theater and Live Streaming stability.
- Improved film rendering stability and made progression bar more accurate while rendering a film.
- Addressed issues which prevented some master challenges from being completed.
- Precision challenge “Wet Work” will now unlock with 10 kills.
- The wins challenge will now account for all FFA modes when ending a match with a tie (if you are in the top 3).
- Players that help with the “Synchronized Attack” challenge now get credit for it.
- Players will not be able to manually take control of their AGR if they die at the exact moment that their AGR deploys.
- Emblem Editor no longer closes the current emblem when discarding changes.
- Players using Ghost will no longer be invisible at all times in Custom Games with the mini-map option set to “constant”.
- Players using Ghost and a Suppressor attachment will no longer appear on the enemy’s minimap while shooting and moving while a UAV is up.
- The median for the K/D graph in the AAR is set to 1.0 instead of 0.0.
- Players can no longer get on top of the shrubs in Nuketown 2025.
- Thermal vision overlay no longer appears using the VTOL glitch.
- Kills from the explosion on the explosive crossbow bolt now count towards challenges.
- Counter UAV no longer remains for the rest of the game after a host migration.
- Clan tag is no longer locked immediately after prestige.
- Offline profiles can no longer be exploited to join online games when an online profile is also signed in.
- Multi-team games no longer count as a tie if an entire team quits.
- Fixed an area in Express where K9 Unit dogs could get stuck.
- EMP grenades no longer affect the CODcaster HUD.
- Party Privacy count no longer affects how many bots will spawn in Combat Training.
- Shadows seen through sniper scopes now render more correctly.
- Players can no longer stand on invisible collision in Carrier.
- “Drop Shot” medal is no longer awarded after standing back up.
- Players can now copy a custom class to the extra prestige slot.
The following is a list of numerous gameplay balancing tweaks that were made after thorough review of statistical data from usage patterns of weapons, equipment, perks and scorestreaks since launch.
- UAV: cost increased from 350 to 425.
- Lightning Strike: added 750ms delay
- Bouncing Betty: increased the grace period between trigger and activation by 200ms.
- Sensor Grenade: increased the range (now 1000 units), frequency (now 800ms between pings), and amount of time (now 6s) that players appear after explosion.
- Concussion Grenade: decreased movement penalty and turn speed penalty when hit.
Assault rifles:
- All: increased hip fire recoil.
- All: increased max hip fire spread from 4.75 to 5.
- All: reduced bullet penetration.
- MSMC: increased recoil slightly.
- PDW-57: increased recoil slightly.
Sniper Rifles:
- All: reduced idle sway for more reliable long-range aiming.
- XM8: reduced lethal range of 3-hit kills from 250 to 50 inches.
- XM8 + Select Fire: increased recoil.
- FAL OSW + Select Fire: increased recoil.
- SWAT-556 + Select Fire: increased recoil.
- MTAR: Made auto aim values consistent with all other assault rifles.
- All: increased hip fire spread.
- All + Laser Sight: increased hip fire spread.
- XPR-50: increased recoil slightly.
- R870: reduced one-hit kill range by 45 inches.
- B23R: reduced headshot multiplier from 1.4 to 1.
- KAP-40: reduced headshot multiplier from 1.4 to 1