Greetings from the Crossroads of America. I'm James, I'm 28 (old i know), I live in the Indianapolis Metropolitan area, and work full time in law enforcement. I own a small tech business on the side that affords me the opportunity to mess with technology. I love all things tech and I love gaming.
However I will admit I'm mostly a PC guy (please dont hate me! ha!) and have been since i was 12. Last console I owned was a Sega system with the Sega CD add on.However this past Black Friday, Game Stop ran a kick butt deal on an xbox bundle so I took the bait and got one. I am really new to FPS, however I did play BF3 on the PC and really enjoyed it. Definitely the controls on the xbox are different and not struggling to adjust.
Working in law enforcement my work rotation changes constantly, however I will be as active as I possibly can, but when making the choice between maintaining a place to live, and gaming, I'm obviously going to choose a place to live ha!
I'm hoping to be accepted into the group and be mentored by folks who are much better at FPS and can assist this N00b into becoming a killing machine in FPS. I've mostly played RPG's or Single Player type games like Need For Speed Most Wanted, Assassians Creed 3, Final Fantasy 13-2 (all on xbox), Command and Conquer Series, Red Alert Series, Sim City, Flight Sim, Age of Empires, Civilization 5 (all on PC).
So ya. I'm a pretty open book, no-nonsense, straight to the point, don't bs around kinda guy who is wanting to get better at FPS. Look forward to meeting and chatting with you guys soon!